
Dilution Calculations

You only have 2mL of a 1M NaCl stock solution. You need 100mL of a .005 M NaCl solution. Can it be done with the volume of stock solution you have? Show your calculations then do the dilution.


1. A helpful formula for this type of calculation is:
V1M1 = V2M2
(2 mL)(1M) = (V2)(0.005)
V2 = 400 mLs (that we can prepare, more than enough for 100mls).

If we just want to prepare 100 mLs.,
(V1)((1M) = (100mLs)(0.005M)
V1 = (100mLs)(0.005M) / (1M) = 0.5 mL needed

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